14-17 ​ June​ 2021​

Navigating Complexities of the Digital Economy in India


Kiosk of The Wilson Center


The Wilson Center, chartered by Congress in 1968 as the official memorial to President Woodrow Wilson, is the USA’s key non-partisan policy forum for tackling global issues through independent research and open dialogue to inform actionable ideas for the policy community.

The Wilson Center brings fresh thinking and deep expertise to the most pressing policy challenges we face today. It covenes scholars to create a global dialogue of ideas that Congress, the administration, and the international policy community can act on. In 2019, the Wilson Center was named the #1 regional studies think tank in the world.













Deepshi Singh +91 99870 16527
Linette H +1 650 460 4330





Nishith Desai Associates 2021. All rights reserved